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Morning Devotional 020723 Trust God!

Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room

February 7, 2023

Read Proverbs 3:5-8

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; don’t rely on your own intelligence. 6 Know him in all your paths, and he will keep your ways straight. 7 Don’t consider yourself wise. Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. 8 Then your body will be healthy and your bones strengthened.

Good Morning, I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart!

It seems that with age, we begin to appreciate the things we do know, but more importantly, we recognize the many things that we do not know. I am one of those people who love to learn and I continue to learn new things every day! However, I rely upon God in that whole realm of the big picture. I trust in God’s plan and I try to leave those details to Him.

God gave us brains with which to think and even gave us dominion over the plants and animals on the earth. A little knowledge can be dangerous when we start believing that we are wise. Sometimes we even try to manage small pieces or even chunks that are beyond our scope. I remember an episode of I Love Lucy when she and Ethel are working on a candy assembly line.

Everything starts out okay as they place the little candies in the box, but then they start to get behind and the more they try to catch up the worse things get. They start stuffing candies everywhere, in their pockets, and even in their mouths as they try to gain control and keep the candies from falling. Our lives resemble this funny skit. We start out in control and we think, “I’ve got this.” Then, challenges start to come and we work to handle things on our own. The more we try to do it by ourselves, the more we struggle and become overwhelmed by our situation. God didn’t create us, his children, to live in isolation. All who believe are members of the body of Christ. God is with us always waiting to lead us into the light.

We have questions and God has answers. As we mature in our faith, God shows us glimpses of what is to come, but we must trust and believe in God. Among our human frailties are the need to be in control and have patience. Let Go and Let God. We can’t always see the answer, but it will become visible in God’s time.

Unrevealed until its season, that God alone can see!

Loving God, Thank You for being with us. We want to know and be wise! Help us trust You! Thank you! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: If I wait, God will answer.

Trust and Obey! Pastor Liz

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