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Morning Devotional 0/01/24 New Beginnings

Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room

January 1, 2024

John 1:1-9

1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. 2 The Word was with God in the beginning. 3 Everything came into being through the Word, and without the Word, nothing came into being. What came into being 4 through the Word was life, In the Word was life and the life was the light for all people. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness doesn’t extinguish the light. 6 A man named John was sent from God. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning the light so that through him everyone would believe in the light. 8 He himself wasn’t the light, but his mission was to testify concerning the light. 9 The true light that shines on all people is coming into the world.

Good Morning! This is a day of New Beginnings!

One of our greatest blessings from God is that each new day is an opportunity to begin again. Due to our sinful nature, we find ourselves needing to take a mulligan: a chance to renew and refresh. Golfers know of the courtesy sometimes granted to one after an extremely poor shot. The best part is that this allowed extra stroke does not appear on the scorecard. It’s like the get-out-of-jail-free card in Monopoly.

During our earthly walk, we sometimes find ourselves in a situation where we made a poor shot/choice, and it seems there is no way to recover. We are desperate and overcome with doubt and grief. We think, “What now?”

By the grace of God, God is waiting for us to ask for forgiveness: a life-choice mulligan. The Good News is that God grants endless opportunities to start again to those who humble themselves and ask to be forgiven.

This is a day of New Beginnings! Take this blessing and make the most of it!

Gracious God, Thank you for this beautiful gift of life. We are sinners who become lost in the darkness that surrounds us. Thank you for sending the light into the world. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: By God’s grace, we get a new day to try again.

On this eighth day of Christmas, accept God’s grace! Pastor Liz

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