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Morning Devotional 012225 Stop Worrying and Trust God


Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room

  January 22, 2025

Psalm 46:8-11

8 Come, see the LORD’s deeds, what devastation he has imposed on the earth 9 bringing wars to an end in every corner of the world, breaking the bow and shattering the spear, burning chariots with fire. 10 “That’s enough! Now know that I am God! I am exalted among all nations; I am exalted throughout the world!” 11 The LORD of heavenly forces is with us! The God of Jacob is our place of safety. Selah

Good Morning. Be still and know!

Psalm 46 was written by David during a time of national crisis in ancient Israel. The psalm is set in the context of a nation threatened by enemies, natural disasters, and uncertainty. The psalm encourages people to trust God and give him glory for his protection and providence. 

It is easy to find relevance in this passage. Many Americans feel we are a nation threatened by enemies, natural disasters, and uncertainty. With each inauguration of a new leader come changes. This is a natural part of the process established by our forefathers 249 years ago. 

I believe that our forefathers were ordained by God to establish a new nation by creating a living, breathing system of checks and balances. None of the forefathers knew if this would work. In fact, George Washington didn’t even list the title of president on the entrance to his tomb. It simply says, ''Within this Enclosure Rest the remains of Gen. l George Washington." Washington added four words to the inauguration oath, “So help me God,” because he understood this new undertaking was more than any human could bear on his own.

At our nation’s beginning and today in 2025, God is with us. We find our peace and strength in Psalm 46:10: Be still and know that I am God. 

Loving Lord, Maker of all things! We are easily disturbed by thoughts of what might happen. Help us trust in your plan to gather all in the love of Christ. Thank you! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: God is with us even when we aren’t paying attention! 

Look around and see the evidence of God’s presence! Pastor Liz

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Have a beautiful day! Pastor Liz

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