Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
January 26, 2025
Psalm 25:8-15
8 The LORD is good and does the right thing; he teaches sinners which way they should go. 9 God guides the weak to justice, teaching them his way. 10 All the LORD’s paths are loving and faithful for those who keep his covenant and laws. 11 Please, for the sake of your good name, LORD, forgive my sins, which are many! 12 Where are the ones who honor the LORD? God will teach them which path to take. 13 They will live a good life, and their descendants will possess the land. 14 The LORD counsels those who honor him; he makes his covenant known to them. 15 My eyes are always looking to the LORD because he will free my feet from the net.
Good Morning. O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands!
When I move to a new area, I love exploring. Some of my explorations are done on foot, while others are done by car. We have many tools to help us navigate our way, but sometimes, we can still become disoriented and feel lost as we move down a path.
I remember a comedian who said, “When the GPS tells you to turn off the paved road you are driving on, to go on a gravel road, there might be a problem. Before turning, you should stop and consider whether this is the right way to go.”
My dad, a geography teacher, taught me to use maps at a very young age. We examined the map key before plotting our route so that we knew what the various symbols on the map meant. We were diligent in our trip planning. Our prework allowed us to find where we were going, and prepared us when we encountered a problem that might send us on a detour. Our mapping also allowed us to find interesting places we wouldn’t want to miss on our journey.
Today, maps seem a bit archaic in our techno-centered world. Most of us use GPS to lead us on our journeys. GPS is great for rerouting you when something will slow your progress. The problem with GPS is that you only see a small snippet of the area through which you’re traveling. Just beyond the image on your screen might be something worth exploring.
By God’s mercy, we have many signs and tools to use to guide us on our faith journey. When we make a wrong turn or feel lost, God is ready to show us the way back to our path. The psalmist reminds us to honor God and our needs will be fulfilled. 12 Where are the ones who honor the LORD? God will teach them which path to take.
Thanks be to God for teaching us the way to go!
Loving Lord, Maker of all things! With the brains that you gave us, we create innovative ways to direct our physical journeys. Thank you for providing the tools to direct us on our spiritual journeys. Thank you! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: When we feel lost, God knows the way and will guide those who call.
Prepare for your journey with God! Pastor Liz