Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
February 15, 2024
Job 11:7-16
7 Can you find the secret of God or find the extent of the Almighty? 8 They are higher than the heavens—what can you do? Deeper than the underworld—what can you know? 9 Its measurement is longer than the earth and broader than the sea. 10 If God passes by, imprisons someone, and calls a trial, who can stop him? 11 He knows worthless people, sees sin, and certainly takes note. 12 A stupid person becomes intelligent when a wild ass of a person is born tame. 13 If you make your mind resolute and spread your palms to him, 14 if you throw out the sin in your hands and don’t let injustice dwell in your tents, 15 then you will lift up your face without blemish; you will be secure and not fear. 16 You will forget trouble; you will remember it as water that flows past.
Good Morning! Bare your soul to Christ!
God knows everything about us: we have no secrets from our Creator. However, there is a difference between God knowing and us inviting God into our hearts and souls.
Imagine that you are visiting with someone at their house. Is there a difference between you snooping around in closets and under the beds and being given a complete tour with all areas accessible? In the first case, you are looking without permission; in the second, you are invited to look.
What are we hoping to find when we snoop around someone’s house: dirt, skeletons, improper things? What is the message when the person invites us to see everything: they have nothing to hide?
Despite God’s complete knowledge of all creation, God waits for us to invite him into our lives. There is comfort to be found when we have no secrets to keep. We can be our authentic selves. God is waiting for our invitation!
Gracious God, Thank you for this beautiful gift of life. You are with us always. We have things of which we are ashamed. Help us to release our worries and give them to You. We thank you! In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: God is with us when things go right and when things go wrong.
Extend the Invitation! Pastor Liz