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Morning Devotional 040724 Beautiful in God's Sight


Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room

  April 7, 2024

Psalm 139:13-18

13 You are the one who created my innermost parts; you knit me together while I was still in my mother’s womb. 14 I give thanks to you that I was marvelously set apart. Your works are wonderful—I know that very well. 15 My bones weren’t hidden from you when I was being put together in a secret place when I was being woven together in the deep parts of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my embryo, and on your scroll, every day was written that was being formed for me before any one of them had yet happened. 17 God, your plans are incomprehensible to me! Their total number is countless! 18 If I tried to count them—they outnumber grains of sand! If I came to the very end—I’d still be with you.

Good Morning! Bless the Lord, O my soul!

The one who created us knows us completely. On a much smaller scale, think of things that you have created: a recipe, a work of art, a design. It is yours and has a special meaning to you. Even if others fail to see its beauty, it remains special to you. 

What if someone tries to take or harm your creation? I have a few poorly finished attempts at pottery. My creations have flaws, are misshapen, and are not particularly of much use. Despite these afflictions, I treasure them and protect them. When I’ve moved from place to place, they are tenderly wrapped so they will not get broken. When I unwrap them, I smile and remember what they mean to me. 

We are God’s children. Sometimes, we resemble my poorly finished attempts to create a pot. We have flaws, are misshaped, are prone to mistakes, and seem unimportant at times. Despite our limitations, God loves us and sees the beauty that lies deeply within us. God treasures and protects us and tenderly covers us with his love so that we will not get broken. God smiles when he thinks of each of his children who are special in their own way. 

Gracious God, Thank you for this beautiful gift of life. You created us and love us despite our many flaws.  We thank you! In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: All of God’s creations are worthy of praise

We are beautiful in God’s sight! Pastor Liz

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