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Morning Devotional 062223 Remember!

Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room

June 22, 2023

Deuteronomy 11:18-20

18 Place these words I’m speaking on your heart and in your very being. Tie them on your hand as a sign. They should be on your forehead as a symbol. 19 Teach them to your children, by talking about them when you are sitting around your house and when you are out and about, when you are lying down and when you are getting up. 20 Write them on your house’s doorframes and on your city’s gates.

Good Morning, Lord, I love you, and lift my voice!

The words in Deuteronomy are the recorded words of God through his prophet Moses as delivered to the Israelite people prior to crossing into the promised land. After 40 years of wandering, it was time to review and renew their understanding of God. The opening verse of this chapter is “Love the Lord your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws, and his commands always.”

The elders of the group had seen the work of God firsthand, and it is important that they share their stories with the next generations who would continue forward. There are no words as passionate and moving as those of an actual witness. Among them were those who had lived the Exodus from Slavery. They had heard Moses’ demands to the Pharoah to “let my people go.” They had seen God’s power at the parting of the Red Sea. Their story must live in the hearts of future generations so that they can believe and harness the strength of God in their times of desperation that would follow.

There was a time when these words to tie the words to your hand and place on your forehead were taken literally. As part of their prayer ritual, Jewish men would tie Phylacteries, small leather boxes containing portions of the Law of Moses, to their wrists and wrap them into their head coverings. By keeping the actual words on their bodies, they would remember and give thanks.

Remember when you would tie a string around your finger so you would not forget something you needed to do? In our technological generation, we set alarms or reminders on our phones to help us remember the tasks we must do. What if one of those reminders was a Bible verse like “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.” Sometimes it is good to have literal reminders when we are busy or distracted. Imagine looking at your phone reminder and hearing from God. Blessings to You.

Loving God, We thank you for Your blessings. Sometimes we forget to thank you. We need to take time to remember and time to share Your glory with others. We Thank You! In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: Every circumstance is an opportunity to learn how to serve God.

Remember and be blessed! Pastor Liz

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