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Morning Devotional 080221 Planting seeds of Faith!


Liz’s Morning Devotional based upon Upper Room

August 2, 2021

Read Galatians 6:7-10

7 Make no mistake, God is not mocked. A person will harvest what they plant. 8 Those who plant only for their own benefit will harvest devastation from their selfishness, but those who plant for the benefit of the Spirit will harvest eternal life from the Spirit. 9 Let’s not get tired of doing good because in time we’ll have a harvest if we don’t give up. 10 So then, let’s work for the good of all whenever we have an opportunity, and especially for those in the household of faith.

Good Morning! Rejoice in the Lord always!

God blessed me with the gift of music. Music has been a part of my life since the very beginning. Perhaps my biggest blessing is that I was surrounded by opportunities and people to nurture this gift. When I reflect upon my childhood, I smile at my amazing piano teachers, music teachers, and all who helped me learn to share the wonderful gift with which I was blessed.

I have also been blessed to share this gift by teaching and nurturing others as they developed their own gift. Some of my students loved to play the piano, while others only endured the lessons because someone else wanted them to learn to play. Learning to play an instrument takes time and practice so for those who were working to satisfy others it was very tedious. One of my adult students began taking lessons and he was very excited to go through the rudimentary songs and exercises that accompany the path to learning to play. As we approached Christmas and a short break from lessons, he asked which book we would begin “next semester”. i.e. when we started again in January. When I answered that we would need to complete this book first, He looked at me with a very serious expression on his face and asked, “When will I be able to play as you do?” I proceeded to explain that I had been playing for many years and my skills are still developing, he was very disheartened. He had done well for those first few months of lessons, but he gave up because the end seemed unattainable.

Sometimes new Christians fall into this same trap. They enter their relationship with God excitedly. They are on fire for the Lord, but they have difficulty maintaining that enthusiasm for the long haul. Our faith journey isn’t about following God for a few weeks or months, it is a lifetime commitment. In some instances, we will see the fruits of our labor quickly, but many times, it is a much slower process.

Again, we must remember those seeds that we plant. Some seeds have a relatively short span from planting to harvest like those lovely tomatoes we love to grow and eat, but then we must consider the mighty oak tree. From planting, it takes about 40 years before producing acorns, and it continues growing for up to 300 years. Some of the seeds that we plant in others will come to fruition quickly while others may not produce in our lifetimes. The seed is simply the beginning of possibilities. We must continue to plant and nurture the seeds of Christ and never give up.

Loving God, Thank You for loving us. We love to see the fruits of our labor right away, but we must never give up when some seeds take longer to sprout and grow. Help us remember that your time is not the same as our time. May we work tirelessly to plant those unrevealed seeds until its season produces something You alone can see. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: Even when I do not see results, God is at work in my life.

Rejoice! Pastor Liz

Oh, the Lord’s been good to me. And so I thank the Lord

For giving me the things I need: The sun, the rain and the appleseed;

Oh, the Lord's been good to me.

Oh, and every seed I sow Will grow into a tree.

And someday there'll be apples there For everyone in the world to share.

Oh, the Lord is good to me.

Oh, here I am 'neath the blue, blue sky Doing as I please.

Singing with my feathered friends Humming with the bees.

I wake up every day, As happy as can be,

Because I know that with His care My apple trees, they will still be there.

The Lord's been good to me.

I wake up every day As happy as can be,

Because I know the Lord is there Watchin' over all my friends and me

The Lord is good to me.

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02 de ago. de 2021


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Have a beautiful day! Pastor Liz

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