Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
August 2, 2023
Luke 10:38-42
38 While Jesus and his disciples were traveling, Jesus entered a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him as a guest. 39 She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his message. 40 By contrast, Martha was preoccupied with getting everything ready for their meal. So Martha came to him and said, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to prepare the table all by myself? Tell her to help me.” 41 The Lord answered, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things. 42 One thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the better part. It won’t be taken away from her.”
Good Morning, Don’t worry! Be Happy! Are we sure?
What an excellent passage for me today! Yesterday started as a great day and then became filled with distractions and disruptions. My focus abruptly shifted to the fires that began popping up until I reached that moment of being overwhelmed. Like Martha, I was so consumed in tending to the fires I forgot to notice answers and solutions that were within my reach.
Whenever I feel like I’m running in circles, I know it is time to walk away and consider the big picture. The first step is to talk to God. In the moment of frustration, sometimes I feel I might get snarky with God. Have you ever looked to God and thought or even said, “Hey God, Really!?!?” The wonderful thing is that God, who made us, is stronger and more resilient than even our worst annoying conversations and attacks.
I love David’s Psalms of praise, but perhaps in moments of frustration, I find comfort when David lashes out at God in his times of challenge. David gets mad at God, but God doesn’t turn and walk away. Job yells at God, but God remains by his side. God will listen to the worst we have to say and give us time to realize that our present-day sufferings are nothing compared to the glory that awaits us. Jesus has already paid the price with his suffering, death, and resurrection. Any of our challenges pale in comparison.
Truly, I say to you! Don’t worry! Be Happy! Look for Joy! Listen for God speaking to you through the Holy Spirit! If God is for us, then who is against us?
Loving God, We thank you! We become consumed by ordinary woes, but You place before us extraordinary blessings. Help us see all that you place along our paths to help us find you. Thank you! In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: I will diligently listen for the Holy Spirit today.
Don’t Worry! Be Happy! Pastor Liz