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Morning Devotional 092121 Answering the Call

Liz’s Morning Devotional based upon Upper Room

September 21, 2021

Read 1 Kings 17:1-6

1 Elijah from Tishbe, who was one of the settlers in Gilead, said to Ahab, “As surely as the LORD lives, Israel’s God, the one I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain these years unless I say so.” 2 Then the LORD’s word came to Elijah: 3 Go from here and turn east. Hide by the Cherith Brook that faces the Jordan River. 4 You can drink from the brook. I have also ordered the ravens to provide for you there. 5 Elijah went and did just what the LORD said. He stayed by the Cherith Brook that faced the Jordan River. 6 The ravens brought bread and meat in the mornings and evenings. He drank from the Cherith Brook.

Good Morning! Expect the unexpected! God’s ways are not our ways!

Summer is almost gone! It’s funny how the natural calendar in which Summer continues until mid September is contradictory to our societal calendar which marks the end of summer as Labor Day or even when the kids go back to school. Summer still marks a time in families with children when schedules are different or freer. We take vacations and we have fewer demands on our daily routines.

Let’s think about ravens for a moment. Ravens are sometimes considered a sign of death or ill fortune. Yet, God chose ravens to provide food for Elijah during the great drought. When we are in need, it is interesting to see who appears to help us. I have told of times when total strangers were placed before me to take care of me. I bless God’s divine mystery as we encounter the angels among us.

What if God called you to be a benefactor for someone in need? Are you listening for God’s call? How would you respond? Would you reach out to help or would you hide away? Jesus shared parables with his followers to teach these ideas because just as we fear stepping up to help a stranger, the people of Jesus’ time did as well. In the story of the Good Samaritan, we see those with the most means avoid the person in need, yet the Samaritan who was considered unclean, gave of himself to meet the needs of another.

We are called to care for one another as we love our neighbors as ourselves. Most of us would not run away if a family member was in need. We must keep in our mind that we are all members of one family, the family of God. Just like the long lost cousin that we have never met, all must be cared for and welcomed to the feast.

Loving God, Thank You for loving us. We continue to struggle with loving one another, especially our enemies or those who are different from us. Help us see that we are created in your image and belong to you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: How will I answer God’s call to provide for others today?

Listen! God is calling to you. Pastor Liz

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