Liz’s Morning Devotional based upon Upper Room
September 22, 2021
Read Psalm 133:1-3
1 Look at how good and pleasing it is when families live together as one! 2 It is like expensive oil poured over the head, running down onto the beard Aaron’s beard! which extended over the collar of his robes. 3 It is like the dew on Mount Hermon streaming down onto the mountains of Zion, because it is there that the LORD has commanded the blessing: everlasting life.
Good Morning! Welcome to the family of God!
As I welcome a new season on a rainy day, I give thanks to the Lord. With the passing of each season, I anticipate the possibilities of unexpected blessings as the Holy Spirit within me continues to reveal glimpses of God’s glory to me. The sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of fall are special. Each beautiful red, gold, orange, and brown leaf reminds me that we are all one family in God.
I appreciate the use of both good and pleasant in verse one of this passage. When all God’s children unite and live together, it is good because we are following God’s directive to join as one body. Likewise, it is pleasant to live without war, without conflict, and without the division that exists even today. Imagine a world where we could embrace our differences together. Instead of balking at our cultural differences, we celebrate and enjoy the diversities.
Many years ago, when our country welcomed all and we became the great melting pot that we read about in history, we were closer to achieving God’s purpose. Sadly, even then, society placed people in categories based on culture, socioeconomic status, and even appearance. We are called to have good and peaceable relationships with all Romans 12:18.
There is a fine line between living in harmony while keeping in our own spaces and living together. i.e. we don’t “fight” with each other but we keep our distance vs. we live side-by-side and maintain that harmony together. Think of when your house is overflowing with company for holidays or family gatherings. How does your family maintain the peace? We often fall into that saying by Benjamin Franklin: Visitors are like fish, after three days they both stink.
As we enter this new season, may we consider new ways to live in unity, as a singular family of God.
Loving God, Thank You for loving us. Each generation continues to struggle with unity. It seems that evil is lurking at every corner to distract us from our task. Open our hearts and minds that we might see new ways to come together as one body. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: I glorify God when I live in love and unity with others.
Embrace the opportunities of a new season of love! Pastor Liz