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Morning Devotional 092321 Wrestling With God

Liz’s Morning Devotional based upon Upper Room

September 23, 2021

Read Genesis 32:22-30

22 Jacob got up during the night, took his two wives, his two women servants, and his eleven sons, and crossed the Jabbok River’s shallow water. 23 He took them and everything that belonged to him, and he helped them cross the river. 24 But Jacob stayed apart by himself, and a man wrestled with him until dawn broke. 25 When the man saw that he couldn’t defeat Jacob, he grabbed Jacob’s thigh and tore a muscle in Jacob’s thigh as he wrestled with him. 26 The man said, “Let me go because the dawn is breaking.” But Jacob said, “I won’t let you go until you bless me.” 27 He said to Jacob, “What’s your name?” and he said, “Jacob.” 28 Then he said, “Your name won’t be Jacob any longer, but Israel, because you struggled with God and with men and won.” 29 Jacob also asked and said, “Tell me your name.” But he said, “Why do you ask for my name?” and he blessed Jacob there. 30 Jacob named the place Peniel, “because I’ve seen God face-to-face, and my life has been saved.”

Good Morning! God blesses us in our times of struggle!

I sometimes struggle with understanding Old Testament passages. There is so much history to decipher and the different tone through which we must muddle. As I’m thinking about this and trying to discern God’s message, I just had an interesting thought take shape. First, I was seeing this scene in sepia tones, but then my mind jumped to The Wizard of Oz.

Remember how when Dorothy was in Kansas, the film was shot in black and white, but when Dorothy was in Oz the images were bright and filled with glorious technicolor. For me, the Old Testament is the black and white section, while the New Testament is full of life and color. For fans of this movie, we know that Kansas wasn’t a bad place, Dorothy just didn’t “see” the blessings and love that surrounded her. In Oz, she encountered great beauty, but also terrible fears. She had to be strong and lead her companions on their path. Dorothy became enlightened when she realized that she had everything that she needed back in Kansas.

Jacob was called to wrestle with God (in the form of an angel). Hosea, the prophet, who recounts this story, tells how Jacob prays and cries out to God during this encounter. Jacob is in fear of his life. He is heading to meet his brother who has gathered 400 men to take Jacob and all that is his. Jacob sends generous gifts to appease Esau prior to their meeting. Jacob wrestles all night, and through his prayers and supplications, Jacob endures. Jacob's faith never wavers as he prays and cries out to God. As morning came and the struggle was ending, his adversary tore his thigh to reveal his power (God’s power) to Jacob. Through this ordeal, Jacob called out to God and withstood the pain. God blessed Jacob and brought blessings to Israel.

When we face adversity, when we are filled with fear, to whom do we turn? In our moments of greatest despair, God is ready to stand by our side to support and protect us. How do we let God know that we are ready to rely on Him, we call out, we pray, and we let God know that we give ourselves to our Creator. Sometimes our greatest blessings are revealed during our times of greatest struggle.

Loving God, Thank You for loving us. We learn from reading scripture that you are there for all of Your children. May we trust You and give our lives to You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: I find some of God’s most valuable gifts in places I least expect.

Trust God! Pastor Liz

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