Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
October 7, 2022
Read Mark 1:40-45
40 A man with a skin disease approached Jesus, fell to his knees, and begged, “If you want, you can make me clean.” 41 Incensed, Jesus reached out his hand, touched him, and said, “I do want to. Be clean.” 42 Instantly, the skin disease left him, and he was clean. 43 Sternly, Jesus sent him away, 44 saying, “Don’t say anything to anyone. Instead, go and show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifice for your cleansing that Moses commanded. This will be a testimony to them.” 45 Instead, he went out and started talking freely and spreading the news so that Jesus wasn’t able to enter a town openly. He remained outside in deserted places, but people came to him from everywhere.
Good morning! Jesus loves each of us!
The first part of this passage is an example of someone asking for healing and being healed. This morning I would like to focus on the 2nd part of this passage. Have you ever learned something that you didn’t expect to know? Perhaps you learn about a surprise party for someone or that someone has exciting news. You know, but others don’t yet know. Accidentally or inadvertently you “spill the beans”. The good news is shared, but it is not the right time or place.
The leper in this story has probably spent years wandering away from the town from which he was exiled due to his disease. He encounters Jesus and asks for healing. Jesus is compassionate and heals this man. You might wonder why Jesus would tell him not to tell others of his healing, but simply offer himself to the priest who must verify his cleansing.
This man is so excited about being healed that he runs and tells everyone about the man who made him clean. Now, this is good news, but Jesus knows it is not the right time to share the news. Up until this healing, Jesus was free to move in and out of towns and quietly care for God’s children, but now that he is identified he must remain on the fringes of the towns. Those in need come to him, but the more “famous” he becomes, the more of a threat he becomes.
It seems that he and the leper have exchanged locations because the leper is now free to roam around town, but Jesus must remain outside of the towns. The leper is now clean because Jesus has taken away his disease. This story provides us a glimpse of how Jesus who is sinless will take on all of our sins and die on the cross so that we might be free. What wondrous love is this? This is the love that envelops us. We are called to share this love with the whole world.
Gracious God, Thank You for loving us. There are not enough ways to thank you. You continually show us amazing grace. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: Today I will make time to share God’s love with someone new.
Jesus loves us! Pastor Liz