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Morning Devotional 101821 Do you see it?

Liz’s Morning Devotional based upon Upper Room

October 18, 2021

Read Psalm 92:1-5

1 It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, Most High; 2 to proclaim your loyal love in the morning, your faithfulness at nighttime 3 with the ten-stringed harp, with the melody of the lyre 4 because you’ve made me happy, LORD, by your acts. I sing with joy because of your handiwork. 5 How awesome are your works, LORD! Your thoughts are so deep!

Good Morning! Our God is an Awesome God! Amen

The pre-dawn sky is absolutely beautiful on this crisp, clear morning. As I look up and identify my favorite constellations, I thank God. As we venture further into Fall, this week’s weather patterns seem to finally match the season. I am hard-pressed to pick my favorite season because each season has it’s own special features that delight my senses. I do know that I appreciate the changes as we move throughout the year.

It’s funny how we look forward to the changing seasons, but we don’t always embrace the changes within our own lives. As scary as change can be, it is through change that we grow and become stronger. Despite our fear of the unknown, God is always with us to lead the way. As always, we must turn over our anxiety to God and trust in His plan.

Without change, we might be stuck in the muggy, sticky day or that dreary, rainy day forever. Embrace the changes and look for opportunities to serve God no matter where you might land. Look around you and see God’s handiwork. Let the joy in your heart sing out in praise.

Loving God, Thank You for loving us. How lovely is our dwelling place! May we always take time to notice your glory all around us. Thank you for leading us down uncertain paths where we discover new ways to serve you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: I will always find joy on the path God chooses for me.

Look for God’s glory around you! Pastor Liz

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