Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
October 30, 2024
Lamentations 3:19-24
19 The memory of my suffering and homelessness is bitterness and poison. 20 I can’t help but remember and am depressed. 21 I call all this to mind—therefore, I will wait. 22 Certainly, the faithful love of the LORD hasn’t ended; certainly, God’s compassion isn’t through! 23 They are renewed every morning. Great is your faithfulness. 24 I think: The LORD is my portion! Therefore, I’ll wait for him.
Good Morning! Embrace the opportunities of a new day!
Thank you, God! The sky is beautiful this morning as the reds begin to creep over the trees on my horizon.
During our earthly walk, we face challenges, and when our struggles expand into long periods, we can lapse into depression and focus on all that is bad. These thoughts can poison our brains.
God did not intend for any of his children to be alone. We all need others to help us in our difficult times. Sometimes, we become too proud to ask for help, but when we have established relationships, those friends will see our needs and find ways to bring us back.
God is a loving, compassionate creator who stays with us despite our failings and through our deepest struggles. Each morning is God’s gift of a new day full of unseen possibilities. Even when all doors seem closed, windows are ready to open. In God’s time, new ways are revealed to those who listen and await answers.
Dear Lord, We are your children! When we are struggling, you are with us. When we call out in despair, you are listening. Thank you! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: God shows us compassion when our lives are in turmoil.
God takes care of us! Pastor Liz