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Morning Devotional 110724 Giving and Receiving

Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room

  November 7, 2024

Genesis 33:1-11

1 Jacob looked up and saw Esau approaching with four hundred men. Jacob divided the children among Leah, Rachel, and the two women servants. 2 He put the servants and their children first, Leah and her children after them, and Rachel and Joseph last. 3 He himself went in front of them and bowed to the ground seven times as he was approaching his brother. 4 But Esau ran to meet him, threw his arms around his neck, kissed him, and they wept. 5 Esau looked up and saw the women and children and said, “Who are these with you?” Jacob said, “The children that God generously gave your servant.” 6 The women servants and their children came forward and bowed down. 7 Then Leah and her servants also came forward and bowed, and afterward Joseph and Rachel came forward and bowed. 8 Esau said, “What’s the meaning of this entire group of animals that I met?” Jacob said, “To ask for my master’s kindness.” 9 Esau said, “I already have plenty, my brother. Keep what’s yours.” 10 Jacob said, “No, please, do me the kindness of accepting my gift. Seeing your face is like seeing God’s face, since you’ve accepted me so warmly. 11 Take this present that I’ve brought because God has been generous to me, and I have everything I need.” So Jacob persuaded him, and he took it.

Good Morning! Bless the start of a new day of possibilities!

Jesus taught us to be generous with our gifts as we serve one another. When we give of ourselves, we are blessed. For a good portion of our lives, we are the givers, the ones who provide services, prepare meals, and see to the needs of our family and friends.

A role as a giver is placed between the bookends of childhood and old age. As young children, we readily accept the help of others. In fact, we can sometimes become demanding of assistance. Thus grows the impatience that will spur our independence as we move into our teenage years. 

As we age, a big challenge is learning to accept the service and kindness of others. Being a gracious receiver is a tough ask for those who value their independence and sense of worth to society. Too many of us would rather sit in need than admit to ourselves, and especially others, that we need help. 

During our years as givers, we have sporadic opportunities to experience and hone our ability to be gracious receivers. Like the shifting sand on the oceanfront, we shift between giver and receiver; perhaps we can learn to frame our services in a way that doesn’t devalue the recipient. 

Blessed are those who graciously accept the gifts that Christ freely offers. 

Dear Lord, We are your children! It is funny how we love giving but are less thrilled with receiving. Help us find the humility to accept that which is offered. Thank you! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: Help us graciously share the abundant gifts you give!

God’s gifts bless us! Pastor Liz 

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