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Morning Devotional 110922 Unexpected Blessings

Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room

November 9, 2022

Read Proverbs 4:20-23

20 My son, pay attention to my words. Bend your ear to my speech. 21 Don’t let them slip from your sight. Guard them in your mind. 22 They are life to those who find them and healing for their entire body. 23 More than anything you guard, and protect your mind, for life flows from it.

Good Morning, Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path!

My morning devotional time is sacred to me, but I will admit that this has not always been the case. I have had times in my life when I frequently read scripture and participated in Bible studies, yet my personal reading time, a time for me to share with God through the Word wasn’t a protected part of my daily routine.

For years, my special time with God has been centered around talking with God during my morning walks and allowing the Holy Spirit to move within me and through me when I play the piano/organ. I will always cherish these God moments when I can allow God to permeate my whole being through the sights and sounds of God’s majesty that envelop me. In these moments, no words are necessary because I am moved by the awe and wonder of God

Many times our routines change due to disruptions or challenges in our lives. When Lowell’s cancer began to visibly ravage his body, I began to feel this need to return to Scripture to find strength. Reading God’s word was the ballast upon which I began to lean so that I would not be consumed by the uncertainty that was tossing me about. After Lowell’s transition to glory, God called me to spend more time reading Scripture.

As I awakened each morning, I read and meditated on God’s word. We laughed and cried together in those early morning sessions. One morning as I listened to God, I was called to share my thoughts with others. I opened my computer and began to let my thoughts about the day’s chosen passage flow through my fingers and onto the computer screen.

I have shared my lifelong reluctance to personal writing with all who would listen to me. I never kept a journal or wrote in a diary. I have been more of a mental writer, but putting those thoughts and words on paper made me feel vulnerable. Through the nudging of God, I learned that in giving a part of myself away, I gain so much more than I lose.

I continue to write and share each morning with joy in my heart. By trusting God, I place my fingers on the keys of my computer, and I am filled with peace. Thank you for sharing my faith journey as you read my thoughts.

Gracious God, Thank You for loving us. Help us to listen and give us the strength to trust your plans for us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: I can find healing and new life with God’s word in my heart.

Allow God to lead you! Pastor Liz

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