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Morning Devotional 111521 The Lord God Made Them All

Liz’s Morning Devotional based upon Upper Room

November 15, 2021

Read Genesis 1:26-31

26 Then God said, “Let us make humanity in our image to resemble us so that they may take charge of the fish of the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the earth, and all the crawling things on earth.” 27 God created humanity in God’s own image, in the divine image God created them, male and female God created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and master it. Take charge of the fish of the sea, the birds in the sky, and everything crawling on the ground.” 29 Then God said, “I now give to you all the plants on the earth that yield seeds and all the trees whose fruit produces its seeds within it. These will be your food. 30 To all wildlife, to all the birds in the sky, and to everything crawling on the ground—to everything that breathes—I give all the green grasses for food.” And that’s what happened. 31 God saw everything he had made: it was supremely good. There was evening and there was morning: the sixth day.

Good Morning! God saw everything he had made: it was supremely good.

God’s power is beyond our comprehension. Just imagine creating the world. Last weekend, I drove along the Blue Ridge Parkway to see the beautiful color display. It seems that no matter how many times I make that drive, I have my breath taken away by the exquisite majesty: the folds in the mountains, the rock formations, the clouds casting shadows, and the vastness of views. When I visit the beach, I have similar reactions to God’s majesty as I watch the endless number of waves coming in the sand each different from the one before it as I focus on the ebb and flow of the water interacting with the sand. Yes, God, it was and still is very good.

We, God’s children, are part of what God proclaimed as good. We are formed in God’s image and we are charged with taking care of all of God’s creation. Just as the waves ebb and flow, our abilities to care for our world seem to ebb and flow as well. Something happens to endanger one species and as we launch efforts to save that species, another species is challenged. This cycle continues around the world, but we continue to work to better our planet.

How does this apply to our own daily lives? Throughout our individual journeys, we are intertwined with others along the way. We face struggles and we flourish as our own life journeys ebb and flow. As our creator, God promises to always be with each of us. We are engraved on his hand. When I feel my struggles are controlling me, I look around at God’s handiwork and know that God is with me and ready to lead me. All I have to do is ask for help and trust God to light my way.

Loving God, Thank You for loving us. You are an awesome God. When we feel our struggles are too much, nudge us to call out to you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: God is greater than my struggles.

I know he cares for me! Pastor Liz

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