Liz’s Morning Devotional based upon Upper Room
December 1, 2021
Read Deuteronomy 31:1-6
1 Then Moses said these words to all Israel, 2 telling them: I’m 120 years old today. I can’t move around well anymore. Plus, the LORD told me “You won’t cross the Jordan River.” 3 But the LORD your God, he’s the one who will cross over before you! He’s the one who will destroy these nations before you so you can displace them. Joshua too will cross over before you just like the LORD indicated. 4 The LORD will do to these enemies the same thing he did to the Amorite kings Sihon and Og, and to their land when he destroyed them. 5 The LORD will lay them out before you, and you will do to them exactly what the command I’ve given you dictates. 6 Be strong! Be fearless! Don’t be afraid and don’t be scared by your enemies, because the LORD your God is the one who marches with you. He won’t let you down, and he won’t abandon you.
Good Morning! God won’t let you down!
Our Lord is with us wherever we are called to go: he will not abandon us. We are all part of a very mobile society. Because of technological advancements, we are but a screen away from anyone, anywhere in the world. Think about how things have changed in your lifetime and then venture back to the early 1900s. A world without manmade transportation and communication devices was very different. It is hard to fathom how many thousand years people existed with the “things” that we can’t imagine living without.
In the time of Moses, and even in the time of our great-grandparents, when you left on a journey away from your family and friends, it would be a very long time or maybe never that you would talk to them again. It was a very different realization of “see you later” or “goodbye”. Moses was sending his people, those with whom he shared the most significant part of his life, to cross the Jordon River. In our world, he might have sent them to another planet or the moon.
Moses fully understood that he would not see them again. These were the ones that he had led through the wilderness and gave them emotional support: his “children”. He sends them off as any good parent with words of encouragement and words to confirm to whom they belong. God, their creator, will care for them and be with them always.
When we are uncertain, when we are traveling to new lands, we must remember those words. God won’t let us down. God won’t abandon us. God is with us always. God, our creator, loves us.
Creator God, Thank You for loving us. With each passing generation, we grow in the legacy of the saints who have opened our hearts, minds, and souls. Give us the strength to stand tall during all adversity. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: God will comfort me during any time of uncertainty.
Our God is an Awesome God! Pastor Liz