Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
December 3, 2024
Philippians 3:7-14
7 These things were my assets, but I wrote them off as a loss for the sake of Christ. 8 But even beyond that, I consider everything a loss in comparison with the superior value of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord. I have lost everything for him, but what I lost I think of as sewer trash so that I might gain Christ 9 and be found in him. In Christ, I have a righteousness that is not my own, and that does not come from the Law but rather from the faithfulness of Christ. It is the righteousness of God that is based on faith. 10 The righteousness that I have comes from knowing Christ, the power of his resurrection, and the participation in his sufferings. It includes being conformed to his death 11 so that I may perhaps reach the goal of the resurrection of the dead. 12 It’s not that I have already reached this goal or have already been perfected, but I pursue it, so that I may grab hold of it because Christ grabbed hold of me for just this purpose. 13 Brothers and sisters, I myself don’t think I’ve reached it, but I do this one thing: I forget about the things behind me and reach out for the things ahead of me. 14 The goal I pursue is the prize of God’s upward call in Christ Jesus.
Good Morning! Keep your eyes on the prize!
Righteousness: 12 It’s not that I have already reached this goal or have already been perfected, but I pursue it so that I may grab hold of it because Christ grabbed hold of me for just this purpose.
The imagery of grabbing hold and being grabbed by Christ is speaking to me this morning. When we were children, an adult would grab our hand when we were crossing a street or walking through a crowd. As adults, we assumed the role of the grabber. In either case, the goal was to remain safe while keeping our fear in check.
Children reach a time when we don’t want our hands to be held. They think, “I can do it myself!” In one of those great circles of life, as we age into our later years, the holding of a hand is once again comforting.
Christ offers us a hand whenever we feel unsteady, weak, lost, or need comfort. Remember when Peter’s faith waivered as he stepped out of the boat to walk toward Jesus? When he began to sink, Jesus reached out so Peter could grab his hand. When we have fallen into the miry pits of life, Christ reaches in and offers his hand.
Dear Lord, We are your children! O Lord, we can sometimes be too proud to ask for help. Thank you for always being there to offer a hand. Praise be to God! Thank you! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: Christ walks by our side and reaches out when we are in need.
Reach out and grab a hand! Pastor Liz