Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
December 17, 2024
Genesis 18:9-14
9 They said to him, “Where’s your wife Sarah?” And he said, “Right here in the tent.” 10 Then one of the men said, “I will definitely return to you about this time next year. Then your wife Sarah will have a son!” Sarah was listening at the tent door behind him. 11 Now Abraham and Sarah were both very old. Sarah was no longer menstruating. 12 So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, I’m no longer able to have children and my husband’s old. 13 The LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Me give birth? At my age?’ 14 Is anything too difficult for the LORD? When I return to you about this time next year, Sarah will have a son.”
Good Morning! With God, everything is possible!
How many of us would have laughed like Sarah? After I finished laughing, I might have cried. Can you imagine having a baby in your nineties? I just wouldn’t have the energy necessary to care for a newborn baby.
As humans, we can’t fathom God’s mysterious ways. Throughout the Bible, God selects ordinary people for extraordinary blessings. We could sit and ask why Abraham and Sarah, or Moses, or Mary, but then we would circle back to why God chooses us to carry the light to all people.
Those questions seem less important than accepting that God’s ways, thoughts, and time differ from ours. With God, all things are possible. When we don’t understand, we must let go and let God! God is the master designer, and God’s plan was created in the beginning of time.
It seems that there is a time to take charge and there is a time to give control to God. That is hard for most of us because we think we know the best way. After all, God gives the ability to think, so surely we can figure it out. The problem is that we work within human parameters, and God’s plan includes divine ones. Even the most gifted innovators can only see a few steps beyond what is now. We can’t imagine within a context of infinite possibilities where everything is possible.
So, on this day, let go and let God handle those things beyond our understanding.
Loving Lord, We are your children! You created us as thinking, breathing, and independent beings. Remind us when we need to turn over the reigns to You. Thank you! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: No matter what, God is faithful.
God has got us! Pastor Liz