Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
December 27, 2024
Jeremiah 17:5-8
5 The LORD proclaims: Cursed are those who trust in mere humans, who depend on human strength and turn their hearts from the LORD. 6 They will be like a desert shrub that doesn’t know when relief comes. They will live in the parched places of the wilderness, in a barren land where no one survives. 7 Happy are those who trust in the LORD, who rely on the LORD. 8 They will be like trees planted by the streams, whose roots reach down to the water. They won’t fear drought when it comes; their leaves will remain green. They won’t be stressed in the time of drought or fail to bear fruit.
Good Morning. Love came down at Christmas
There are times in our lives when we believe that we can depend upon our own strength and knowledge to overcome a challenge. We think, “If I have worked hard and trained, I can do it.”
There is an interesting paradox at play here. Yes, we need to do our part by working hard and training. We can’t sit and do nothing to prepare and then expect God to lead us to our desired results. I had a fellow piano student who tried that way and learned that he needed to do his part and not just rely on God.
The flip side is that even when we prepare and do everything right, we have challenges to overcome. That’s where God comes in. The idea of those trees planted by the streams with deep roots that reach the water is the preparation as the tree slowly grows, matures, and extends its roots.
We must grow and mature into our faith. We develop our roots by reading the Bible, spending time with God, and worshiping in fellowship with the body of faith. When we have developed this relationship with God, then we will not fear our challenges as they come. We will rely on our Creator's strength, mercy, and love. Happy are those when God is with them.
Loving Lord, We are your children! We praise your holy name. You bless us and care for us. Thank you! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: Trust and rely on the Lord
Hallelujah! God loves us! Pastor Liz