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Morning Devotional 042524 The Light is a Always Shining!


Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room

  April 25, 2024

John 16:1-15

1 I have said these things to you so that you won’t fall away. 2 They will expel you from the synagogue. The time is coming when those who kill you will think that they are doing a service to God. 3 They will do these things because they don’t know the Father or me. 4 But I have said these things to you so that when their time comes, you will remember that I told you about them. “I didn’t say these things to you from the beginning, because I was with you. 5 But now I go away to the one who sent me. None of you ask me, ‘Where are you going?’ 6 Yet because I have said these things to you, you are filled with sorrow. 7 I assure you that it is better for you that I go away. If I don’t go away, the Companion won’t come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will show the world it was wrong about sin, righteousness, and judgment. 9 He will show the world it was wrong about sin because they don’t believe in me. 10 He will show the world it was wrong about righteousness because I’m going to the Father and you won’t see me anymore. 11 He will show the world it was wrong about judgment because this world’s ruler stands condemned. 12 “I have much more to say to you, but you can’t handle it now. 13 However, when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you in all truth. He won’t speak on his own, but will say whatever he hears and will proclaim to you what is to come. 14 He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and proclaim it to you. 15 Everything that the Father has is mine. That’s why I said that the Spirit takes what is mine and will proclaim it to you.

Good Morning! Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

We are God’s children, and God loves us! When we are born, our earthly parents care for us and work to meet our physical needs. As we age, God reveals glimmers of truth to us as we are ready to receive it. We are born with curiosity that drives us to ask questions and seek answers. During this time of discovery, God’s grace protects and guides us on our journey. 

When we choose to follow Christ, the Holy Spirit enters us and works to guide us along our faith journey. Our earthly journey is filled with distractions and darkness. Through the Spirit, God opens our eyes so that we can focus on the light of Christ. 

Gracious God, Thank you for this beautiful gift of life. Help us look to the light! We thank you! In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: I will look for the light of Christ to guide me.

Look to the light! Pastor Liz

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Have a beautiful day! Pastor Liz

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