Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
August 2, 2024
Psalm 143:4-8
4 My spirit is weak inside me inside, my mind is numb. 5 I remember the days long past; I meditate on all your deeds; I contemplate your handiwork. 6 I stretch out my hands to you; my whole being is like dry dirt, thirsting for you. Selah 7 Answer me, LORD—and quickly! My breath is fading. Don’t hide your face from me, or I’ll be like those going down to the pit! 8 Tell me all about your faithful love come morning time because I trust you. Show me the way I should go because I offer my life up to you.
Good Morning! Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Good Morning! Today, let's remember that we are not meant to live in isolation. God created us to live in communities, where our different strengths and weaknesses allow us to work together as one. Individually, we may feel weak, but as a community, we are strong and valued.
Building relationships is essential to living as one body. This building of relationships takes time. Ideally, we begin by talking and sharing so that we learn to trust one another. Through this process, we put down our walls and allow ourselves to be vulnerable. It is not helpful to hide behind a facade because it will come tumbling down and expose you when you need to be strong.
No individual has all the gifts, but God blesses us each with unique gifts. You might question how your perceived strengths could be of help until a situation for which you are best suited arises. As we age, it is easy to question our usefulness when our bodies begin to weaken. In one of those mysterious God moments, we discover we have knowledge that someone else needs, and we are called to share the wisdom we have acquired over years of practice.
During our struggles, God works around and within us to show us the way. When we falter and lose hope, angels appear to help us take our next step.
Loving God, Thank you for creating us. We think we want to be in control of everything. Help us see that it takes all working together to overcome our challenges. Thank you for loving us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: Reach out and share a part of yourself with someone.
Rely on one another! Pastor Liz