Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
September 12, 2022
Read: Ecclesiastes 9:7-10
7 Go, eat your food joyfully and drink your wine happily because God has already accepted what you do. 8 Let your garments always be white; don’t run short of oil for your head. 9 Enjoy life with your dearly loved spouse all the days of your pointless life that God gives you under the sun—all the days of your pointless life!—because that’s your part to play in this life and in your hard work under the sun. 10 Whatever you are capable of doing, do with all your might because there’s no work, thought, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave, which is where you are headed.
Good morning! Awaken and be saved!
Okay, so I read this passage several times this morning, and then I went looking for context and meaning because I felt as if I were being smacked on the head. The words start out sounding happy as we are told to eat, drink, and enjoy, but the tone quickly shifts as we read that our lives are pointless. After reading all of Chapter 8 and 9, I was still being challenged to wrestle a little more because these words were very disturbing and in direct contrast to everything I believe. The phrase under the sun is repeated by Solomon a number of times in the book of Ecclesiastes. Under the sun refers to earthly life and endeavors.
After much reading, wrestling, and pondering, I started to see that Solomon was describing the life of those who work for their own accomplishments and recognition. For those who do not know God, what is life? Solomon was sharing his own life experiences depicting his efforts to gain power, wealth, and wisdom. He had it “all” using earthly standards, but he realized that without God and without following God’s will that his gains were meaningless and he lacked satisfaction. (i.e. Based upon the understanding we gain from Christ, despite his success, he was still thirsty for he had not accepted the living water.)
When our lives are centered around earthly values, we will always want more. When Solomon says, “Everything is meaningless,” he did not mean that everything in the world is of zero value. Life is not meaningless when we allow God to set our purpose: know God and keep His commands. Solomon ends this book by sharing what he has learned so that we too can understand. “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
Gracious God, Thank You for loving us. Thank you for our blessings. May we live our lives following you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: Know God and Be Blessed
God has a plan for us! Pastor Liz
I’m glad you cleared that up…I was feeling the same when I hit the words “your life is pointless”.