Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
September 26, 2022
Read: Psalm 121:1-8
1 I raise my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? 2 My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth. 3 God won’t let your foot slip. Your protector won’t fall asleep on the job. 4 No! Israel’s protector never sleeps or rests! 5 The LORD is your protector; the LORD is your shade right beside you. 6 The sun won’t strike you during the day; neither will the moon at night. 7 The LORD will protect you from all evil; God will protect your very life. 8 The LORD will protect you on your journeys whether going or coming from now until forever from now.
Good morning! Give thanks in all things!
We are blessed to be able to raise our eyes towards the mountains every day. We live amidst the majesty of God, or as some would say “God’s Country.” I never cease to be amazed by the variations in my daily view caused by seasonal changes, fog, clouds, and sunshine. I am starting to see just a tinge of color that hints at the myriad of colors on the horizon. We classify fall leaves very simply as orange, red, and yellow, but the subtle differences in the shades from one tree to another or even one leaf to another fill the landscape with God’s glory.
God promises to be with us and protect us always. There are times when we are stubborn and don’t want to let go of our worries or our pain. We question why God would allow such a thing to happen. We might even begin to have doubts regarding our faith.
Evil has a stronghold over many and this evil causes pain and suffering among the people. I know that God doesn’t create evil, but that God can take the worst situation and turn it upside down to redeem and save those who call on Christ as Lord. God suffers with us when we are in pain and rejoices with us when we overcome our sorrows. God, our Maker, is waiting to replace our pain and sorrow with peace. All we must do is let go and let God heal us.
Gracious God, Thank You for loving us. Out of the depths, you come to us. When we can go no further, you will carry us so that we can regain our strength. Thank you for caring for us and loving us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: There is no suffering that God can’t redeem.
Look to the hills and see God! Pastor Liz