Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
October 9, 2022
Read Luke 16:10-13
10 “Whoever is faithful with little is also faithful with much, and the one who is dishonest with little is also dishonest with much. 11 If you haven’t been faithful with worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? 12 If you haven’t been faithful with someone else’s property, who will give you your own? 13 No household servant can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be loyal to the one and have contempt for the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.”
Good morning! Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart
When we read the Gospels, we read passage after passage that contain parables regarding our need for faith. It seems that Jesus sees through his disciples and us who display faith on the outside but have doubts on our insides. In Hebrews 11:1 we read: Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
In this time of photos and videos of every moment of our lives, we have become very reliant on the old adage that seeing is believing. We have also learned that people can alter photos and videos in ways that are virtually undetectable. So, maybe seeing isn’t always believing. Regardless, many are drawn to the viral photos and videos that fill our social media.
To have faith in Jesus Christ means to trust Him and obey His commandments. Faith is much more than passive belief. We express our faith through action—by the way we live. My sermon title for today is living out loud. We are called to present ourselves to God. Everyone who sees us hears us and watches us should know that we are Christians. Even when we think no one is around, God is always with us and knows our innermost selves. Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our Love.
How do we maintain our faith? We spend time with God through prayer, reading Scripture, and meditating. We take time to be thankful, we humble ourselves as we admit our sins, and we turn our worries and anxieties over to God. We let go of those things that are beyond our control. Those who live, as Christ taught us by his example, are blessed with the peace that passes all understanding. When we surrender all, we are living by faith.
Gracious God, Thank You for loving us. Faith seems like a simple thing, yet we struggle with doubts. Help us be true believers. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: Even my smallest decisions reflect my faith to others.
Surrender! Pastor Liz