Liz’s Morning Devotional based upon Upper Room
January 29, 2022
Read Ecclesiastes 3:9-13
9 What do workers gain from all their hard work? 10 I have observed the task that God has given human beings. 11 God has made everything fitting in its time, but has also placed eternity in their hearts, without enabling them to discover what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I know that there’s nothing better for them but to enjoy themselves and do what’s good while they live. 13 Moreover, this is the gift of God: that all people should eat, drink, and enjoy the results of their hard work.
Good Morning! Through the Holy Spirit, God is at work within us.
This passage leads me back to our recent discussions about peace and trust. Have you ever felt as if God is hitting you over the head to get your attention? We read scripture, we meditate, and we pray, yet sometimes we still hold on to our anxious thoughts. It reminds me of when as kids we would sneak something like a treat and think our parents were unaware of our deception.
God knows our thoughts, our words, and our actions before we do. As David asks in Psalm 139, where can we go to hide from God? God wants to be in a relationship with us and wants us to share everything together. Just like a loving parent who catches their child sneaking a treat, God will love us all the same.
God loves us and through the working of the Holy Spirit within us transforms us. This does not mean we sit around and wait on God. God wants us to live our lives with joy. Our joy is rooted in our faith as we learn to trust God. When we trust God, we know peace. Amen.
Loving God, Thank You for loving us. Help us so we don’t just go through the motions of prayer and meditation. We know we must release control, but it’s hard for us. Thank you for being with us through our struggles. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: Even when I don’t fully understand, I will trust God.
God is Good! All the Time! Pastor Liz