Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room
August 24, 2022
Read Philippians 4:4-9
4 Be glad in the Lord always! Again I say, be glad! 5 Let your gentleness show in your treatment of all people. The Lord is near. 6 Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. 7 Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus. 8 From now on, brothers and sisters, if anything is excellent and if anything is admirable, focus your thoughts on these things: all that is true, all that is holy, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, and all that is worthy of praise. 9 Practice these things: whatever you learned, received, heard, or saw in us. The God of peace will be with you.
Good morning! Rejoice in the Lord always! Again, I say rejoice!
Peace! What a great message for all of my friends and colleagues who have students returning to school! The first days of a new school year are exciting, but chaotic; energizing, but exhausting, and full of expectations, but anxiety abounds. Many teachers share how the night before students return is filled with restless sleep.
As my first year of retirement from teaching becomes real, I bless those who continue the mission to care for God’s most vulnerable children. There will be those students who tweak your nerves and push every button, but we must never lose sight of the true needs of the child. So many come to school without love and without their physical needs being met.
For those of us outside the school setting, we do encounter others who don’t act the way that we think is acceptable. Everywhere we go to do business or receive services there are staffing shortages and supply shortages. It is easy to become incensed by these seemingly fixable situations, but our world has changed and these shortages are part of the new normal for now.
On this day and every day, we must look for what is lovely, holy, pure, and worthy of praise. When our mindset is secured in the peace of Christ, we will find beauty all around us in those we meet and in every situation that presents itself before us. When you feel the negative thoughts bubbling within you, focus on the love of Christ that envelops you. Manage your anxiety by giving away your fears. Be the light for those in darkness!
God, our Creator, made the world and all that fills it. God doesn’t make junk, so look for what is good. Maybe the goodness is being hidden by the challenges that life has covered, but beneath the mask of struggles there is a child of God waiting to be revealed and nurtured. Look for what is good! You will be blessed!
Gracious God, Thank You for loving us. Help us change our focus to find the good in all of Your creation. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen
Thought for the day: When I focus on God’s goodness, I can better see the good around me.
God is Good! Pastor Liz