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Morning Devotional 102023 Share Yourself with God

Liz’s Morning Devotional: Scripture selected from Upper Room

October 20, 2023

Psalm 139:1-6

1 LORD, you have examined me. You know me. 2 You know when I sit down and when I stand up. Even from far away, you comprehend my plans. 3 You study my traveling and resting. You are thoroughly familiar with all my ways. 4 There isn’t a word on my tongue, LORD, that you don’t already know completely. 5 You surround me—front and back. You put your hand on me. 6 That kind of knowledge is too much for me; it’s so high above me that I can’t fathom it.

Good Morning. Rejoice, Rejoice, Again I say Rejoice!

God wants to be in a relationship with us. Relationships require consent on the part of both parties. Have you ever tried to contrive a relationship with someone who had no interest in joining you? It might be trying to fit in with a group of coworkers or maybe with an individual with whom you wish to spend more time. No matter how hard you try, you continue to be the “odd man out.”

Getting to know each other is one of the hardest parts of starting and maintaining a relationship. A relationship will never work when one or both create a facade or hide things. As a young person trying to enter the business world, you want to fit in with those who seem to have their lives together. They are elegant, well-groomed, and professional, and you want to mimic their success, so you try to hide that you come from a less-than-pristine background. Somewhere along the way, your true self with your flaws becomes visible, and you are embarrassed and maybe shunned.

The great thing when we join with God in a relationship. God knows us intimately: our flaws, imperfections, strengths, and weaknesses. We can be completely vulnerable and God loves us just as we are. I find such comfort in this. When I consider that God loves my authentic being, I feel tears in my eyes. I am compelled to listen and follow the Holy Spirit so that I may find my way to one day be face-to-face with my Creator. What a day of rejoicing that will be!

Awesome God, We love you! You love us more that we can fathom. When we are lost, you find us. When we turn away, you wait for us to return. Thank you. In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen

Thought for the day: We will never slip through God’s hands.

We are loved! Pastor Liz

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